Our dreams come true through words.

David is a regular on the open mic circuit, both locally and sometimes in the USA.
He sometimes writes and performs under the name Arthur G Mustard.

Subjects include fun, children, love, family, fantasy, horror and life.
Love is a whisper on the wind,
a song echoed across the ocean
Love is birdsong in the trees,
a soothing feeling of emotion
Cab Ride
Scents, smells, scintillating sensations of the city
Indian spices, Turkish kebabs, cheap burgers and coffee under the mighty symbol of the big yellow `M`
The chippy conquered by the foreign invader,
They tasted better in the good old newspaper
Reminiscing, too much thinking, no need
It`s Thursday, early finish, escape the prison of that bloody office four floors up
A change in the weather, nagging chilly wind with light rain
April, I wish you were warmer
My favourite bottle of red fits snugly in the inside pocket of my raincoat
NO umbrella for me! It`s all about Film Noir
It`s not the first time, NO
No, not by a long way
But my heart starts racing,
A cocktail of nerves and excitement surge
Like a well-rehearsed piece, my rides awaits
Black curves covered with rain droplets
Sit on well-worn tyres,
Belching fumes in to just another street in the capital
Opening the door I step inside
“Usual”, comes the only conversation needed
And I reply with a nod
The journey becomes a blur, until we break away from the city
Eyes open when the engine stands idle
Two crisp notes are handed over,
Topped with a pack of twenty filter tipped Norwegian cigarettes
“Just after midnight?” comes the question
My half smile replies
A winding drive is lined with rose bushes
Reaching the porch I can almost taste her flesh as a familiar perfume excites me
The door opens to reveal my raven haired seductress draped in Chinese silk
How did you learn to smoke a cigarette like that?
As the green, dragon etched garment is dropped to the floor, she smiles, turns and walks away
Two glasses await as we meet in the parlour
And I quickly produce the bottle of red
A fire burns and delicate shadows dance over her soft seductive curves
We both enjoy a glass and then delicate, flirtatious fingers peel away my clothing
Exciting me almost to a climax
Like a wild white panther she claws, bites and excites
The rug is soft on my back as I lay exhausted,
Casting knowing, slow eyes over her sweat soaked curvaceous pale flesh
We finish the wine, laugh, share another cigarette
45`s bring Hendrix, The Doors and Marc Bolan to the party
She laughs and invites Patti Smith
Desire becomes a hunger
Laughter continues,
Champagne is popped and stairs ascended
The bedroom slakes more cravings of lust
She watches, watches with a look only she can stare
I don`t bother with the tie
And house it in the pocket where the Claret opened up the evening`s thirst for desire
We don`t use words for goodbyes
The latch drops and the cold night bites
Headlights are dipped, but the engine runs
When I open the door a black coffee waits on the back seat
It warms and sobers as we pull away
And I start another cab ride
Discarded, like an old pair of boots
A soulless man, lost his roots
Discarded, like a rusty old van
A homeless lost cause looking down the eye of an empty beer can
Discarded, like a ripped pair of jeans
Next meal in the bin, a cold tin of beans
Discarded, like a smelly pair of wellies
Cause of death for the masses, empty bellies
What you do
Kisses and cuddles
Jumping in puddles
Pet names
Silly games
Holding hands tightly
Sharing a bed nightly
Enjoying life
Husband and wife
Laughing, crying
Hard times, trying
Getting old together
Love each other whatever
I love you and you love me
Ain’t that the way it’s just meant to be
Last Orders
An orange sun dips below the gentle western hills
Birdsong is taken up by owls and the odd lazy crow who won’t give up centre stage
Trees gently sway, as the wind softly ruffles branches; time to wake denizens of the night
Chimneys exhale hypnotic swirls of smoke
And candlelight casts the shadows of lovers on walls
Silvery trails of light illuminate rooftops and cobbled streets all the way up to the church which sits on the hill
The moon goddess is all powerful tonight
Stars shine bright in the night time throne as the clouds have been banished
Cottages fall to darkness at random as lights are extinguished
Laughter sounds from the pub as customers joke
And the usual concoction of alcoholic mix scents the air
Staggered walks begin along with goodbyes
What a beautiful village
So glad I moved here, it has everything, the family will be so happy when I send for them
No need to waste time,
The darkness is limited and many still believe in the cross
Time to call ‘last orders’ and try a pint of the local vintage
Funny how they say ‘You return to your roots’.
Haven’t been here since seventeen eighty three,
Not even a marked grave after I hung for theft
Shame on you!
Not very Christian
But Vampire life is so very me
Fluffington Tidsworth
Mr Fluffington Tidsworth is a very handsome cat,
he looks extremely dashing with his cane and his hat.
The ladies rather love him, indeed a first class treat,
always is the gentleman, dancing light up on his feet.
Strutting down the alley with a swagger and a smile,
he’s been at number seventeen and he’s been there for a while.
I hope my sunflower will grow

In the ground is my little seed
But I`m worried and don`t really know
He`s down there with a tough looking weed
In the ground is my little seed
I hope he`ll grow tall and strong
He down there with a tough looking weed
I hope he`s not down there too long
I hope he`ll grow tall and strong
Become a beautiful bright yellow flower
I hope he`s not down there too long
I want to watch him hour after hour
Become a beautiful bright yellow flower
But I`m worried and don`t really know
I want to watch him hour after hour
I hope my sunflower will grow
Are you free tomorrow night?
Holding hands, getting caught in the rain.
Saying good night, will I see you again?
Of course I will, of that I’m sure,
it’s our first date and our love is pure.
The Wizard
Between that precious time
before the sun casts down its mighty rays of golden light
across this land of forests, oceans, deserts and dreams,
I see you.
Floating across the dew drenched green within the haunting,
wispy tendrils of mist,
with the dark denizens of the night taking all in with
their never to tell eyes.
They wait! All eyes fixed on you until your powerful hands,
adorned with the green jade rings of the serpent queen
cast your mythical gifts to the ground.
Smaller jewels are carried away on the wings of silent bats.
A wolf pack approaches with caution,
before carrying away a chest of gold containing rubies larger than a man`s hand.
You meet the eyes of a fox, they match your own, a wry smile escapes.
Black powerful muscle glides from within the forest,
the mighty panther stalks and our paths have crossed before.
But this time you know your master, submitting like a tamed dog,
licking his hands which bare the same black talons as your own.
From within his purple feathered cloak he produces what all kings` desire, a silver sword, decorated with diamonds from the deepest troll caves.
The panther bows and gently takes the gift,
carrying it deep within the forest where it will wait to be found.
A matching dagger is tossed to the air, spinning, twisting, turning.
Silently, suddenly, the pure white owl, whose knowledge all seek,
clasps the jewelled blade.
Effortlessly gliding to the waterfalls,
where the green water flows and the mermaids sing their secrets,
she allows the jewelled blade to plunge down
in to the watery chasm to dwell within the deep enchanting waters.
His work is nearly done.
He pauses, he scans.
He knows I am watching, his eyes see all,
see through the dark, see me.
I am no threat though, for I also know the panther.
He is the one who took my leg.
He is the one who scarred my face and blinded my left eye.
The price I paid for the secret of secrets.
But my son sleeps, an infant barely walking.
He shall grow, become strong, become fast.
My son will move like the wind,
he shall be the one,
the one you will take as your own.
For that is your secret, the secret not many know,
to touch your purple cloak just before the first golden ray of sunshine warms the ground.
And the prize?
You must take him as your own,
teach him all your secrets,
unveil the realm of magic,
gift him just like you.
My son will have the ultimate prize.
Let kings, adventurers and fools fight and squabble
for your scattered treasures.

I know the panther`s lair,
his moves , his mind.
I know where the owl and fox lie in wait.
They shall not take him.
Your head is bowed, you summon him,
your departure is drawing nearer.
The sun awakes on the horizon,
chasing away the night.
Before my very eyes he appears.
Magnificent, powerful, mystical;
your dragon.
Circling twice, he bows to your authority,
finally stretching out a wing to rest at your very feet.
Gracing the crimson scaled wing with your footsteps,
you leave a silhouette behind.
Veins of red smoke coil within
and it becomes leafy flakes of gold;
enough for a beggar to buy a kingdom.
Sitting in the green leather saddle,
you take up the reins
and cast a final glance at the ground before a final glance at me.
But you shall return, return after another seventeen winters
and I will have prepared him for you.
Effortlessly the dragon takes flight, heading west,
west to The White Towers of Stone at the end of the world.
Three rhythmic wings beats and you`re gone,
just as the first streak of sunlight strikes the ground,
causing the priceless flakes to vanish in a flash of brilliant blue light.
Farewell until next time my old friend, farewell my wizard.
When you return my son will know your name.
Ssh, don`t say a word

It`s such a privilege to be part of Viral Verses https://www.viral-verses.com/
Poetry and artwork come together in this wonderful book and I love how my words have been interpreted in another creative platform.
Ssh, don`t say a word
Soaking in the silence, soothed by the calmness, the sunshine and a gentle breeze blowing lightly on my face
Bushes bloom, bearing berries which feed my feathered friends. I close my eyes and birdsong takes me to happy memories
Dragon flies hover over a summer pond and fish lightly break the surface, talking in bubbles of silent speech
A red kite soars on advantageous thermals searching for a lazy hare lost in dreams.
Swallows swoop, gulping from the water of canals, whilst mallards rest at ease on the far side away from the worn boots of ramblers which have clocked up a thousand miles.
Ssh, don’t say a word.
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