Who is ELI 24?

Where did it all begin?
It all started back in March/April 2020 when a crazy idea kept spinning around in my head. I can`t explain where it came from, it was one of those things
that just happens.
An old light fitting, a pair of binoculars, a hat, an old computer keyboard, a biscuit tin, a pair of sunglasses and plenty of tin cans. Throw in some expanding foam, spray paint and endless tubes of glue and there can only be one outcome; ELI 24.
The ELI 24 project brought a successful bid to Silsden in October 2020 as part of Bradford`s, Culture Is Our Plan.
ELI 24 is continuously developing, he now has a voice and can communicate with other lifeforms. After his first outing in Silsden he longs for more interaction. At this present moment in time he watches over things in my studio.
The ELI 24 Project is designed to interact with schools, colleges and places of education with the aim of giving people a voice, inspiration, confidence and a love of the written and spoken word. ELI 24 wants to ignite imagination and creativity.
Workshops can be designed to suit age, ability, cultures and backgrounds. They can focus on short stories, poetry, storytelling or current issues which affect all.
The project can also run on a theme of recycling and reusing materials and everyday household goods which would normally be thrown out
Out and about with ELI 24

More pictures to follow.
Videos coming soon!
Pictures of ELI 24 vary depending on upgrade.
Latest News!!!!
ELI 24 will be visiting Bradford as part of the Science Festival in October 2021.
Dates confirmed: Please follow the link:https://www.scienceandmediamuseum.org.uk/about-us/press-office/bradford-science-festival-programme-and-sponsors-announced
Tuesday 26th October – 10.00 am until 4.00 pm @ Shine Community Centre, Bradford BD5 7BX
Thursday 28th October – 10.00 am – 4.00 pm @ Laisterdyke Library, Bradford BD3 8EL